HumorHelp me build an iceberg meme for Peaking!
Posted October 11, 2024 by Anaktorias_Secret in GenderCritical

Hey guys, hope your Friday is doing great!

I was thinking about the iceberg meme and was wondering whether anyone has made one for peaking. The iceberg meme talks about topics where what appears above water is only a small fraction of the truth of what's going on, and things become truer and bigger the deeper you go. This is perfect for representing the gender critical experience of peaking. I realized I can just consult the best community for this :) and build one together both for fun and as a resource!

So I am looking for suggestions on terms, people, events that could go onto the iceberg, and where you guys think it is most adequate for them to go. Please feel absolutely free to bring up stuff from your own peaking journey! Podcasts, public figures, reports, statistics, anything.

Also please feel free to vote/debate for what tier some of the big terms belong to. I'm giving some examples below.

I'm planning on 4 tiers:

  • 0 Tier: Above water, that which is mainstream and more obvious to everybody, like JK Rowling, the bathroom debate, and famous trans people and detransitioners
  • -1 Tier: Right below water, less mainstream and a little controversial but not too unknown. Maybe I'd put things like the CAS review there, and "lesbian" Reddit actuallesbians, the word TERF, LGB alliance
  • -2 Tier: More obscure things we start to notice right before or after peaking (maybe discovering about AGP?), some niche icons like Magdalen Berns
  • -3 Tier: The really deep stuff like big pharma, health and social neglect of gay and autistic people, activists, Foucalt/Judith Butler, homophobia, idk. Basically the deepest most niche things that you can only share with ovarit users knowing they will accept and understand but can't really elsewhere

With your suggestions I will make the meme and post it here.



MaryDyerOctober 11, 2024

-The fact that 50% of incarcerated TIMs are in for violent sex crimes, and that that statistic is pretty much consistent across multiple countries/states.

-The fact that roughly 70% of the victims of TIMs are females between 4-14, with adult females being the second most victimized group (keep in mind this number is based on my own analysis of data that I’ve been collecting from Reduxx articles)

-The violent ideations and actions demonstrated time and again by TRAs towards anyone who voices dissent, women in particular

RNPhalaropeOctober 13, 2024

I like the idea, but think about your target audience, your (former?) friend who just wants to "be kind".

Most of what you listed are Tier 3, I think. There are lots of good suggestions in the other comments to build to the deep dive.

Just want to pee, But it is only a few playing in girl's sports...

The real damage done by treatment, detransioners.

a_shrubBicycle Engine Gender 🚲October 12, 2024(Edited October 12, 2024)

Tier Zero: They just want to pee

-1: Creepy men selfies in women's bathrooms

-2: Creepy men wanking themselves in women's bathrooms

-3: Women's botched "phalloplasty" results where all they wanted was to stand to pee, but now they have permanent incontinence and crippling/life-threatening complications.

eta: could possibly fit some instances of men assaulting women in women's bathrooms as well, as I know there are quite a number of those to pick from, especially in schools that have essentially made their bathrooms mixed sex.

PatitaGrisOctober 12, 2024

Also: creepy men dilating in public bathrooms

neonbanditOctober 12, 2024

That's disgusting!

faerieclaireOctober 12, 2024

For me, quotes from Andrea Chu Long or whatever his name is, was what started me peaking - those horrible quotes about a women being “an expectant asshole” etc etc 💀💀💀

Anaktorias_Secret [OP]October 12, 2024

That reminds me of the "front hole" bs

norman_bates👁October 12, 2024(Edited October 12, 2024)

0: Plastic surgery addictions, body dysmorphia, "femboy" subculture, "ladyboys," neopronouns, MOGAI genders.

-1: 4chan TIM culture, extensive history of TIM murderers, sexual abuse history in TIP's backgrounds, bullying GNC people as "eggs," "queer community" issues, "sexual preferences are bigoted," debate, legacies of Riley Dennis and other Youtube stars.

-2: "Gender critical," and, "radfem," definitions; homosocial behavior in straight society; white supremacist incel-to-TIM pipeline; Nazi/homophobic history of sex change surgeries; patterns of unhappy/depressing TIF stories; closure of lesbian bars and destruction of gay organizations; BDSM + kink subculture abuse issues; racist and perverted TIM anime fixation; sex tourism; histories of various cultures' ideas of gender ("twospirit" controversy, social categories for gay men in developing cultures).

-3: History and legacy of the MLP fandom, extreme body modification forums, pedophilic history of TIMs, eunuch archives, gender abolitionism.

RNPhalaropeOctober 13, 2024

Another one, not too far down: women's prisons

TheChaliceIsMightierAdultHumanFemaleOctober 11, 2024(Edited October 11, 2024)

Sterility and comorbid paraphilias should definitely be on there. Also hair inside neovaginas. Long-term rib and back pain from binders, as inspired by an earlier trans joy post.

Anaktorias_Secret [OP]October 11, 2024

OOF!!! These are too good! Would you put them all on the last tier? I think binder pain can maybe go on -2

TheChaliceIsMightierAdultHumanFemaleOctober 11, 2024(Edited October 11, 2024)

I think they're maybe tier 3. Also that 95% of FTMs have functioning penises. Women's sports and Dylan Mulvaney were major events in leading me to peak shortly after.

Anaktorias_Secret [OP]October 11, 2024

"Normalize the Bulge!!!!!!!!"

NOOctober 11, 2024

Detransitioners should be in tier 2

Include: GNC people automatically being assumed to be trans

MaryDyerOctober 11, 2024

Not just that but girls in elementary school being asked by their teachers if they’re sure they’re girls because they cut their hair short or prefer shorts to skirts.

Anaktorias_Secret [OP]October 11, 2024

Nice suggestion. It makes sense that most people would only hear of detransitioners way after hearing so many trans stories.

GNC people automatically being assumed to be trans

Will add

PatitaGrisOctober 11, 2024

The casual misogyny of anti-terf rethoric. "Stomp curb a TERF" and the likes of that

VirginiaWolfberryOctober 12, 2024

San Francisco library exhibition

Anaktorias_Secret [OP]October 11, 2024

Great one! Maybe I could call it death threats against TERFs? Or "Kill TERFs!", or verbal violence to disagreeing women idk

PatitaGrisOctober 15, 2024

With a bit of luck (and spamming by this army of terfs) the iceberg will be seen by innocent normies that doesn't know what a TERF is. Maybe put "radical feminist" instead of terf

ThisRealityOctober 12, 2024

Verbal violence and nastiness not only to TERFs specifically but even to women in general. That's a lot of what peaked me. I couldn't keep being an ally to people who acted like they'd hate me just for being born female.

MafdetOctober 12, 2024

I feel like the true & honest results of 'gender affirming surgery' should be included. Like that Teetus Deletus moron and the Butcher of Ardmore.

More known is that creepy mr Beast adjacent TiM.

And let us not forget John Money.

crystal_phoenixOctober 12, 2024

I found these two previous posts you can take ideas from. There is more to add I'm sure.

Anaktorias_Secret [OP]October 13, 2024

Maybe I should've checked them beforehand... Thanks!

MizunaOctober 12, 2024
