DiscussionKamala’s New “Man Enough” Ad Is Out of Touch and Cringey
Posted October 11, 2024 by twinklebarbie in GenderCritical

The ad is out of touch, and I don’t think it will garner any additional votes from men. Ironically, non of the “manly enough” men in the video defined a woman. I wonder, are these “man enough” to say men do not belong in female spaces.



syntaxerrorOctober 12, 2024(Edited October 12, 2024)

Hilarious comment I saw regarding that video

"I'm just a backwoods simple-minded cracker like you, dear voter"

Because seriously that’s how it comes across. It’s so bad. Democrats can’t even bother pretending that they think that rural people are simple minded morons, who only care about beer and being manly. Was this NOT a trump ad?

It does say at the end it’s not authorized… so is it a skit?

LunarMooseOctober 11, 2024

The comments are fun:

Who did they hire to put this together? The Bud Light marketing lady who thought that Dylan Mulveny would bring in new customers?

[Deleted]October 12, 2024
PinkPeoniesInTheRainOctober 12, 2024

This is NOT an official Harris ad! The video was made by Jacob Reed for the group Creatives for Harris, and he discusses it on his substack:

Jacob All Trades

vulvapeopleOctober 14, 2024

He certainly seems to be master of none.

quiggyOctober 11, 2024

What a highly effective Trump ad

cranberrysaladOctober 12, 2024

Ads like this make me wonder if they want him to win.

[Deleted]October 12, 2024
[Deleted]October 11, 2024

Sigh. They're still on the "let's redefine masculinity and femininity to mean what we want". Instead of saying- gender is all bullshit- vote for the candidate who best serves your interests- and heres why you should vote for ours. Man and woman are nominal data points, not ordinal data points. there is no man enough or not man enough there is only adult human male or not adult human male. Honestly ,this kinda thing slyly reifies gender roles and stereotypes and makes it fair for the other side to claim "You're not manly if you dont vote our way", too.

Voting isn't some declaration of your identity or anything like that. You dont become more manly or less manly because of who you vote for, and you don't become more or less religious or more or less your race or more or less your sex or anything based on who you vote for. Voting is just a choice between available options after prioritising and weighing one's interests.

Lilith-FairOctober 12, 2024

Did you miss the fact that Democrats have been playimg ID politics for decades and hsve been running on overdrive for the last 10 years or more? ID pol is literally their central strategy.

[Deleted]October 12, 2024

in some instances they have, in other instances republicans have been playing id politics. politicians are only incentivised to take the easiest path to power there is no?

ElizabelchUnpopular Opinions, LLCOctober 12, 2024

It's not an official campaign ad authorized by Harris/Walz or their committee, so it isn't "Kamala's" ad. I'm pretty curious to see who is actually behind this.

beingOctober 12, 2024

It is in fine print at the end of the ad, but it does say

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

so it's not an official ad from the Harris campaign, some other group or organization must've made it. I thought it was kind of funny tbh although it probably won't be effective at convincing the target audience

RNPhalaropeOctober 13, 2024

Oh come on! It's stupid and cringe and funny. As it was intended to be.

But I am old and probably easily entertained.

VasilisaOctober 11, 2024

Whoa, if you hadn’t stated that it was a real ad, I would have said it was a spoof or something!

twinklebarbie [OP]October 11, 2024

Yeah, same! I mean who approved this?

[Deleted]October 12, 2024
[Deleted]October 12, 2024
HelenaHandbasketOctober 12, 2024

Well, now I know what "raw dogging a flight" is because of that ad. (Yeah, I went to look it up, because after hearing profanity in the ad, I dreaded what that might mean. I'm old, deal with it.)

I guess it's going on a flight and not taking a book or something else to entertain yourself with.

That's what being A MAN!!! is to these people? AYFKM?? Being unable to plan ahead for how you are going to kill a few hours on a plane?

twinklebarbie [OP]October 12, 2024

Are we surprised? They reduce us to mere feelings and stereotypes, so I’m not surprised this is what they would consider as being man. What surprises me is how they thought this ad would convince the base that is fleeing from them via this ad. It would only repulse them more. I’m also not very sure many men know anything about little women. They forgot to read the room.

MizunaOctober 11, 2024

The gay man hamming it up for the camera is the MVP of that ad. He knew exactly what he was doing.

FernLadyOctober 11, 2024

This is such an unbelievably bad ad. I couldn’t even get through it, I was cringing so hard.

If they’re trying to make it “manly” by which they really mean masculine and not embarrassing, for men to vote for a woman, maybe they should have picked actual masculine men. Instead they undermine their ”manly” message AND throw their own ideology of “there’s no one way to be a man” (which obviously I agree with) under the bus in one fell swoop

Democrats are so freaking bad at messaging. How is this possible with so much money and resources??? Who is authorizing this??

CharliXXOctober 12, 2024

Kamala's campaign seems to have VERY wisely stayed away from the gender debate so far. Let's hope it stays that way, though I'm sure the twitter hellions are screaming about the genocide this commits.

twinklebarbie [OP]October 12, 2024

I don’t think that’s a good idea. There goal is basically stay away from it, get into office and continue passing laws that support gender ideology. Women are he ones who will suffer. I still think should have been pressured to clarify her position on it. I strongly believe we would have been able to make ground.

PeakyLenOctober 12, 2024

That's hilarious. I love that a room full of advertising people sat around and said 'yup, that's it, that's the ad that will win the election for Kamala'.

On the plus side it prompted me go and rewatch the "I'm on a horse" Old Spice advert, which always makes me smile.

VirginiaWolfberryOctober 12, 2024

It turns ME off (I will be voting for her) due to the porn terminology of “rawdogging it”; same for Gretchen Whidmer’s fake lesbian porn ad. Creepy and porn-addled. Gross on both counts.

AmareldysOctober 12, 2024

It’s a bit tongue in cheek.

What was Little Women banned for?

LapisLazuliOctober 12, 2024

Was this made by the Babylon Bee? Yikes...

LilianHOctober 12, 2024

She has raised a billion dollars for a month's worth more of out-of-touch and cringey ads.

readfreakOctober 12, 2024

She had a billion coming out of the gate. A lot of the money came from big donors.

LobselVithOctober 12, 2024

Looks like an SNL skit to me

UnderTheKaleidescopeOctober 12, 2024

The left can't meme.

WatcherattheGatesOctober 12, 2024

Is it a parody?

[Deleted]October 12, 2024

It really feels like all these guys are going to say they are TIFs that’s the level of sex stereotypes as central identity we’re dealing with here.

IrishTheFrenchieOctober 12, 2024

Even if this ad wasn't the cringiest thing I've ever seen, it's WAY TOO LONG. Get to the point, FFS.